- [Dec ’24] SSS celebrates a successful fall semester and wishes everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!
- [Dec ’24] SSS welcomes Avery Page as our newest PhD student. Best of luck, Avery!
- [Nov ’24] dePaul Miller has successfully defended his dissertation and has joined Nvidia. Congrats to dePaul!
- [Nov ’24] Our paper “Transactional Data Structures with Orthogonal Metadata” was accepted as a Poster to PPoPP ’25. Congrats Yaodong!
- [Oct ’24] Congratulations to our PhD student, Olivia Grimes, for successfully passing her Qualifier Exam!
- [Aug ’24] SSS welcomes our newest PhD student, Ajbina Nusrat! Welcome to the lab, Ajbina!
- [Aug ’24] Welcome Back! SSS is back in the lab and ready to kickoff a strong fall semester!
- [Aug ’24] Our paper “A Dynamic Weighting Strategy to Mitigate Worker Node Failure in Distributed Deep Learning” has been accepted to HPEC 24. Congrats Yuesheng!
- [May ’24] Congrats to our students Abigail Vogel, Luke Hale, and Ethan Lavi for their 2024 CSE awards!
- [Apr ’24] Our paper “ALock: Asymmetric Lock Primitive for RDMA Systems” has been accepted at SPAA 24. Congrats Amanda!
- [Apr ’24] Our paper “LIT: Lookup Interlocked Table for Range Queries” has been accepted as a Brief Announcement at SPAA 24. Congrats dePaul!
- [Apr ’24] Our paper “ROMe: Wait-free Objects for RDMA” has been accepted as a Brief Announcement at SPAA 24. Congrats to the team!
- [Mar ’24] Our Assistant Professor Arielle Carr has been named as a 2024 SIAM Science Policy Fellow. Congratulations Arielle!
- [Mar ’24] Good luck to our PhD student, dePaul Miller, as he presents his poster at PPoPP in Edinburgh, Scotland this week!
- [Feb ’24] Our PhD student, dePaul Miller, successfully passed his general exam. Congrats dePaul!
- [Jan ’24] Our presentation “Optimization of Approximate Maps for Linear Systems Arising in Discretized PDEs” has been accepted to GAMM 24. Congrats to Rishad!
- [Dec ’23] Our undergraduates, Alex Clevenger, Luke Hale, and Michael Speckahart, won the People’s Choice Award at the CSE Capstone 2023 Poster Session for their development of open source numerical analysis software.
- [Dec ’23] Our PhD student, dePaul Miller, was awarded the Koerner Family Foundation Fellowship fellowship award for research oriented engineers.
- [Nov ’23] Our undergraduate student, Alex Clevenger, was awarded the NCAA Scholar Athlete Award Track & Field Award for 2023-24.
- [Nov ’23] Our paper “OCToPus: Semantic-aware Concurrency Control for Blockchain Transactions” has been accepted as a poster at PPoPP 24. Congrats to dePaul!
- [Nov ’23] Our paper “Scaled ILU Smoothers for Navier-Stokes Pressure Projection” has been accepted to the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Congrats to the team!
- [Apr ’23] Our paper “Separating Mechanism from Policy in STM” has been accepted to PACT 23. Congrats to Yaodong!
- [Mar ’23] Our paper “Iterated Gauss-Seidel GMRES” has been accepted to SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing. Congrats to the team!
- [Mar ’23] Our paper “BatchBoost: Universal Batching for Concurrent Data Structures” has been accepted as a brief announcement to DISC 23. Congrats to the team!
- [Mar ’23] Our paper “Distributed Multi-writer Multi-reader Atomic Register with Optimistically Fast Read and Write” has been accepted at SPAA 23. Congrats to the team!
- [Feb ’23] Our paper “Efficient Hardware Primitives for Immediate Memory Reclamation in Optimistic Data Structures” has been accepted at IPDPS 23. Congrats to the team!
- [Feb ’23] Our paper “Opportunities and Limitations of Hardware Timestamps in Concurrent Data Structures” has been accepted at IPDPS 23. Congrats Olivia!
- [Sep ’22] Jacob Nelson-Slivon has successfully defended his dissertation. Jacob will be joining Google. Congrats to Jacob!
- [July ’22] Our paper “Asymmetric Mutual Exclusion for RDMA” has been accepted as a Brief Announcement at DISC 22. Congrats Jacob!
- [June ’22] Our PhD student Jacob Nelson speaks about his research and grad school experience in “Jacob Nelson: Researching Remote Direct Memory Access technology“.
- [May ’22] Our Assistant Professor Roberto Palmieri has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. Congratulations Roberto!
- [April ’22] SSS and the Blockchain Lab delivered a seminar to Google on our effort in innovating Zero Knowledge at scale for Blockchain. Congrats to our Maxim Vezenov and dePaul Miller for the excellent job.
- [April ’22] Our PhD student Jacob Nelson received the college Graduate Student Leadership & Service Award. Congrats Jacob!
- [March ’22] Our PhD student Jacob Nelson successfully passed his general exam. Congrats Jacob!
- Our paper “Bundling Linked Data Structures for Linearizable Range Queries” has been accepted at PPoPP 2022. Congrats Jacob!
- Our undergraduate student Leo Liu interviewed our Prof. Hank Korth for The Brown and White. Topic: Blockchain! Check out the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ny5riKtmIsE.
- Prof. Palmieri will serve as committee member of ACM SIGOPS EuroSys 2022. Consider submitting and attending!
- Check out Kathleen Weiss Hanley‘s and our Prof. Korth‘s recent podcast on Explaining Blockchain.
- Our paper “Rabia: Simplifying State-Machine Replication Through Randomization” has been accepted at SOSP 2021. Congrats to the whole team!
- Our Associate Professor Mike Spear will serve as program co-chair of the 27th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2022). Congratulations Mike!
- Our Professor Hank Korth has been named director of the Blockchain lab in the Center for Financial Services within Lehigh’s College of Business. Congratulations Hank!
- Prof. Palmieri will serve as committee member of ACM SIGPLAN PPoPP 2022. Consider submitting and attending!
- Our Assistant Professor Roberto Palmieri has been awarded the NSF CAREER, titled “Distributed Protocols and Primitives Optimized for RDMA Read/Write Operations in Data Management Systems“. Abstract available here.
- Our paper “KVCG: A Heterogeneous Key-Value Store for Skewed Workloads” has been accepted at SYSTOR 2021. Congrats dePaul and Jacob!
- Our paper “FW-KV: Improving Read Guarantees in PSI” has been accepted at MIDDLEWARE 2021. Congrats Masoomeh!
- Our paper “Brief Announcement: Semantic Conflict Detection for Transactional Data Structure Libraries” has been accepted at SPAA 2021. Congrats Yaodong!
- Our Assistant Professor Roberto Palmieri will co-chair the Program Committee of SRDS 2021 along with Yvonne-Anne Pignolet. Consider submitting and attending!
- Our faculty member Xiaochen Guo has been promoted as Associated Professor with tenure. Congratulations Xiaochen for this great achievement!
- Our PhD student Chao Zhang successfully defended his PhD disseretation. Chao will join Facebook. Congratulations Dr. Zhang and good luck!
- Our collaborative work “SPX64: A Scratchpad Memory for General-Purpose Microprocessors” has been accepted to TACO. Congratulations!
- Our paper “Exploiting Locality in Scalable Ordered Maps” has been accepted at ICDCS 2021. Congratulations Matthew!
- Our paper “Bundled References: An Abstraction for Highly-Concurrent Linearizable Range Queries” has been accepted as poster at PPoPP 2021. Congratulations Jacob!
- Our Assistant Professor Roberto Palmieri will co-chair the Program Committee of PaPoC 2021 along with Heidi Howard. PaPoC is colocated with Eurosys. Consider submitting and attending!
- Our poster paper “On Building Modular and Elastic Data Structures with Bulk Operations” has been accepted at ICDCN 2021. Congratulations Kevin, Joe, and Athicha!
- Prof. Korth will serve as committee member of ACM SIGMOD 2021. Consider to submit and attend!
- Prof. Palmieri will serve as committee member of ACM Eurosys 2021 and USENIX ATC 2021. Consider to submit and attend!
- Prof. Xiaochen Guo received a Department of Energy (DoE) subcontract to perform research on “Innovative Architectures for High Performance Data Analytics”. Congratulation Xiaochen!
- Our post-doc Ahmed Hassan has been promoted as Professor of Practice in the CSE department at Lehigh University. Congratulations Ahmed and good luck!
- Our PhD student Masoomeh Javidi Kishi successfully defended her PhD disseretation. Masoomeh will join Oracle. Congratulations Dr. Javidi Kishi and good luck!
- Our paper “Performance Evaluation of the Impact of NUMA on One-sided RDMA Interactions” has been accepted at SRDS 2020. Congratulations Jacob!
- Our PhD student Pantea Zardoshti passed his PhD general exam. Congratulations Pantea!
- Our paper “Exploiting Locality in Scalable Ordered Maps” has been accepted at PACT 2020. Congratulations Matthew!
- Our paper “Optimizing Linearizable Bulk Operations on Data Structures” has been accepted at ICPP 2020. Congratulations Matthew!
- Our paper “Brief Announcement: On Implementing Software Transactional Memory in the C++ Memory Model” has been accepted at PODC 2020. Congratulations Matthew!
- Our paper “RnR: A Software-Assisted Record-and-Replay Hardware Prefetcher” has been accepted at MICRO 2020. Congratulations Chao and Yuan!
- Two papers “On the Performance Impact of NUMA on One-sided RDMA Interactions” and “On Reading Fresher Snapshots in Parallel Snapshot Isolation” have been accepted as poster papers at ICDCS 2020. Congratulations Jacob and Masoomeh!
- Our paper “Don’t Forget About Synchronization! Guidelines for Using Locks on GPU” has been accepted at then Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience journal. Congratulations Jacob and dePaul!
- Our paper “Understanding and Improving Persistent Transactions on Optane DC Memory” has been accepted at IPDPS 2020. Congratulations Pantea!
- Prof. Spear will serve as committee member of PACT 2020. Consider to submit and attend!
- Our paper “HaTS: Hardware-assisted Transaction Scheduler” has been accepted at OPODIS 2019. Congratulations Zhanhao!
- Our paper “Optimizing Persistent Memory Transactions” has been accepted at PACT 2019. Congratulations Pantea and Tingzhe!
- Prof. Palmieri will serve as committee member of Usenix ATC 2020. Consider to submit and attend!
- Our paper “Scrabble: A Fine-Grained Cache with Adaptive Merged Block” has been accepted at IEEE Transactions on Computers. Congratulations Chao and Yuan!
- Prof. Korth and Prof. Palmieri have been invited to present at the 2019 Lehigh Quant/Financial Engineering Conference.
- Prof. Korth serves as committee member of BCDL 2020. Consider to attend!
- Prof. Guo will serve as committee member of IPDPS 2020. Consider to submit and attend!
- Prof. Spear will serve as Chair of the Program Committee of SPAA 2020. Consider to submit and attend!
- Prof. Palmieri will serve as Local Arrangement Chair of SPAA 2020 to be held in Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- Our paper “On the Correctness of Transaction Processing with External Dependency” has been accepted as Brief Announcement at DISC 2019. Congrats Masoomeh!
- Prof. Guo will serve as committee member of HPCA 2020. Consider to submit and attend!
- Prof. Palmieri will serve as committee member of ICPP 2020. Consider to submit and attend!
- Our paper “A Practical, Scalable, Relaxed Priority Queue” has been accepted at ICPP 2019. Congratulations Tingzhe!
- Prof. Spear will serve as committee member of PPoPP 2020. Consider to submit and attend!
- Our paper “Simplifying Transactional Memory Support in C++” has been accepted at ACM TACO. Congratulations Pantea!
- Our PhD student Tingzhe Zhou successfully defended his PhD disseretation. Tingzhe will join Facebook. Congratulations Tingzhe and good luck!
- Our paper “SSS: Scalable Key-Value Store with External Consistent and Abort-free Read-only Transactions” has been accepted at ICDCS 2019. Congratulations Masoomeh!
- Our paper “Optimizing Persistent Transactions” has been accepted as Brief Announcement at SPAA 2019. Congratulations Tingzhe and Pantea!
- Prof. Spear will serve as committee member of DISC 2019. Consider to submit and attend!
- Our paper “Lerna: Parallelizing Dependent Loops Using Speculation” has been accepted for publication at ACM Transactions on Storage, ACM ToS, 2019.
- Prof. Spear will serve as committee member of PACT 2019. Consider to submit and attend!
- Our MS student Yaodong Sheng is now a PhD student at SSS. Welcome Yaodong!
- Our paper “Don’t Forget About Synchronization! A Case Study of K-Means on GPU” has been accepted at PMAM 2019. Congratulations Jacob!
- The abstract submitted by our PhD student Jacob to the CGO Student Research Competition on the performance interaction betweeb RDMA and NUMA has been accepted. Congratulations Jacob!
- Prof. Palmieri will serve as committee member of ACM PaPoC 2019. Consider to submit and attend!
- Our paper “Processing Transactions in a Predefined Order” has been accepted at PPoPP 2019.
- Our PhD students Masoomeh and Pantea attended the 2018 Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC), the world’s largest gathering of women technologists.
- Our paper “NUMASK: High Performance Scalable Skip List for NUMA” has been accepted at DISC 2018.
- Our NSF project “Data Structure Designs and Implementations for Modern Multicore Architectures and Applications” has been funded for three years!
- Prof. Palmieri will serve as committee member of ACM SYSTOR 2019. Consider to submit and attend!
- Prof. Palmieri will serve as external committee member of ACM SIGPLAN PPoPP 2019. Consider to submit and attend!
- Prof. Spear will serve as committee member of ACM SIGPLAN PPoPP 2019. Consider to submit and attend!
- Our PhD student Tingzhe Zhou passed his PhD general exam. Congratulations Tingzhe!